Triple S Suspension 於2021/4/14 ~17 參加AMPA展
Triple S Suspension 於2021/4/14 ~17 參加AMPA展
Triple S Suspension 於2021/4/14 ~17 參加AMPA展,非常感謝經濟部長蒞臨 Triple S 攤位 , 與外貿協會董事長的到場指導 , 還有許多長官貴賓媒體的參觀採訪 , 一掃2020疫情的陰霾 , 讓世界各地的經銷商與朋友們知道 , 我們即使面對嚴竣的疫情 , 仍持續研發設計更好的產品 , 為廣大的車友們服務 。
Triple S Suspension joined AMPA Exhibition on 2021/04/14~17! We deeply appreciate our Minister of Economy came and visit our vendor! And Taiwan External Trade Development Council Chairman come to the exhibition to make some advice. There are also many supervisor, VIP and Media came to visit and interview! Sweeping away the haze of the 2020 epidemic, let dealers and friends all over the world know that even in the face of a severe epidemic, we continue to develop and design better products to serve the majority of car friends.